Apr 1, 2017 | Craft Your Book
I recently read an article by a writer who claimed that the 3 Act Story Structure was essentially the “fast food” version of writing. His belief is that we’re giving America a bunch of junk food stories when what they really need is the sustenance found in...
Mar 25, 2017 | Craft Your Book, Embolden Your Inner Writer, The Writing Life
Confession: I’ve been indulging in a little Office marathon this week while Joe is out of town. Don’t ask me why. Probably because I’ve already gone through Hawaii Five-O, Death in Paradise, and a handful of others that all had endings I hated. I figured I knew what I...
Feb 14, 2017 | Embolden Your Inner Writer
“When we decide that the journey matters as much as the result, and that we want to have a good time most of the time: we radically alter our personal definition of success.” ~ Danielle LaPorte I remember the first time I had the courage to tell people I was a writer....
Nov 17, 2016 | Embolden Your Inner Writer
Janice Hardy asked an interesting question years ago that has always stuck with me: “What have authors done that made you want to learn more about their book?” It’s had me thinking a LOT about who I am and who I want to be when it comes to my writing. It’s easy to...
Oct 20, 2016 | Courage, Freedom, Inspiration
The first time I went rappelling I was about 8-years old. I wasn’t terrified of heights, really, it was more the falling with the sudden stop at the bottom that made my stomach do flips while I laid, belly down, at the edge of the cliff staring at the rocky...