Aug 26, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Freedom, Inspiration, Magic
I can’t leave this job. I’ll never find another one that I can do as well, that pays me as much… I shouldn’t use my free time on something so frivolous when there’s so much to take care of. I won’t find the time to take that class, write that book, paint that canvas....
Jun 17, 2021 | Courage, Expression, Freedom, Inspiration
I know it can feel like you do. When we’re raised to hand our power to authority and our voice to those who “know better” as they tell us to not speak unless spoken to and that children should be seen and not heard… It can be easy to believe we need their permission...
May 20, 2021 | Community+Belonging, Courage, Expression, Freedom, Inspiration
I’m in the thick of it. It seems just the other day I was writing to you about the creation phases and the push and pull we feel when we realize it’s time to step into our next season. And in the last six weeks, this is exactly where I’ve been — leaning over the...
Apr 29, 2021 | Community+Belonging, Courage, Expression, Freedom, Inspiration
I stand on the corner, peering through the blue-black of night back towards my house that squats near the first turn in the cul de sac where I live. Deerfield Court. I am searching for any hint of light… any crack in the darkness that would signify my parents are...
Apr 22, 2021 | Expression, Freedom, Inspiration
Last week we talked about holding onto a dream when it no longer serves you because you feel you owe it to yourself or to the dream. But I’ve also had people say things like, “Well, I don’t want to disappoint anyone.” There’s some idea that because we dreamed...
Apr 15, 2021 | Expression, Freedom, Inspiration
Your dreams are yours and you get to call the shots. I was talking with a Sacred Rebel recently who said to me, “I’m just so worried that if I pursue the thing I want, and get there and realize I actually don’t want it, then, I’ll be stuck with it.” Her fear isn’t...