What do you actually do, Deb?

What do you actually do, Deb?

I’ve been fielding a few questions about the magick I bring to the world and how I’m able to get the crazy-amazing breakthroughs and healing I do with my clients. So I’m going to take a moment (or several) to answer some of those questions here. And if you have any of...
You Are Not Your Mistakes

You Are Not Your Mistakes

I know sometimes we can disappoint ourselves so badly it feels impossible to forgive ourselves. And it can be even harder when we disappoint others. But that doesn’t mean we are unforgivable or unloveable. This doesn’t mean we deserve to be endlessly punished. There...
Why do we need radical self-love?

Why do we need radical self-love?

Repeat after me, “no matter what I have and haven’t done, I love me.” It seems like such a simple statement but it is packed with so much power. Can I share a personal story? My growing up years with my dad were not awesome. We called it “being strict”...
Will You Start to Love Every Part of Yourself?

Will You Start to Love Every Part of Yourself?

Not that long ago, I did an oracle reading for Joe. The card I pulled was Radical Self-Love. And, this, all of us need more of. Choosing into radical self love means that we choose to love ourselves when we get it right AND when we get it wrong. That we don’t just...