Leading sacred rebels to reclaim their creation magic + create extraordinary, meaningful work.

I am crazy about this book. Cute, funny, liberating and joyous, this is a book for any woman trying to get somewhere in life! I have read it twice already and walk away with something new every time. Enjoy. I did. – Connie Emmett, Urban Fantasy Writer

Debbie Burns leaves nothing out of this sacred treasure. No excuses with this book. If you finally want enough reasons and ways to believe in you and all that you have been dreaming of then this is a must read.

– Lynne Maureen Hurdle, The Conflict Closer

If you’re looking for courage, inspiration, new hope, or rekindling your passion that has fallen to the wayside, this is where you’ll find it. Borrow her courage.

– Shannon McCoy, Fiber Mill Owner

Debbie Burns gives you the courage to claim your dreams! All of us have a dream, but think we are too busy, poor, or not worthy of pursuing it. She is magical, and you feel like you have your own personal coach in your hands.

– K. Dean, Writer

This book is not just so much cheerleading positive-thinking fluff… This is a call to listen to our own inner voice, the one we all came into the world with, but may have forgotten, and to act on that inspiration.

– G. Kilgore, Writer

I’M DEB – Soul Mapper, Magic Awakener, and #1 Bestselling Author of The Path to Courage

I’m courage goddess + woo ninja who leads creative entrepreneurs to wake up and shake up their inner magic in order to play bigger, be bolder, and create a life of meaning and impact through their work.


The world is crying out for leaders to see outside the box of prejudice, hierarchy, exclusivity and silenced voices to create a future of love, inclusion, and better ways of being! And it’s time for her dreamers, visionaries, rebels and magic makers to answer that call.

I blend personal development principles with a little bit of woo and a whole lotta love to help you build the courage to walk this journey towards full expression, freedom, leadership, and magic… where every day is better than anything you’ve dreamed.


Debbie showed me how to harness my inner genius.

Debbie is kind, energetic, centered, and ah-ma-zing, and she passes these traits on to everyone she works with. Prior to working with her, my art and business were extremely disconnected. I felt a constant battle between being creative and being productive. As a result, I shirked away from marketing, posting, and content creation, and my business suffered. Debbie showed me how to harness my inner genius. To me, that alone is a true testament of her consistency and results as she forges a path for creatives everywhere.

Sarah Paikai

Writer | Spoken Word Poet | Founder, Speak Your Word


(And other magical creatures)


You already value and invest in energy work because you understand that knowing and harnessing the unseen is just as impactful and important as hiring the right business coach and marketing strategist. You use Oracle and tarot cards on the regular and consistently seek out the best in spiritual advisors. I don’t have to tell you how life changing understanding your Soul Map + Creation Power™ can be because that same soul is already shouting, “HELL YES! This is our next step!”


You might not consider yourself a “woo” person, but you are open to all of the things that can transform your action-taking into even better results. You’ve invested in your business or career, but you’re looking for something that will support you, not just the empire you’re building. You’re ready for the soul level insight, right? You understand these words that I’m using and don’t think that I’m a total crazy person. Instead, you’re intrigued… willing to try anything that feels in alignment with your soul.


You’ve spent most of your life feeling like you’re living in someone else’s skin. You’ve played by others’ rules, tried to meet their expectations, and have created a life that is mostly “nice” but doesn’t actually fill you… and you’re not even sure you know why. You’ve often feel like the outsider—“other” rather than otherworldly (which is the real truth you’re ready to embrace). You fill your soul stirring and your sacred creation reaching for the stars as it whispers, “This is where we belong.”

I’m a Molotov cocktail in Hello Kitty packaging who’s been navigating trauma for the last 30+ years, helping creatives own their power for the last 8, mastering intuitive work for the last 5, and firing glitter cannons since I realized I actually do like the color pink.

I’ve snorkeled the Palancar Reef and stood on the pyramids of Teotihuacan. I’ve crossed the Golden Gate Bridge and shed tears at the 9/11 Memorial. And I’ve traversed my own personal dark night of the soul (read: posttraumatic stress disorder) to come out the other side with a few scars, a deeper love of self, and an immovable commitment to live a life true to me.

And now I’m committed to helping you create that for yourself.

(Not the scars part, the self-love and live-true-to-yourself part.)

Best part? You don’t have to wait for someday.



(Whether you’re here for the glitter or to seriously change your life.)

The Soul Map

Soul Mapping is an intuitive process I use to help you understand and harness the full strength of your Creation Power™ via an in-depth exploration of:

– Soul Compass: your core essences
– Sacred Creation: your deeper, gifted calling
– Energy Flow: your access to power

When you know who you are at the soul DNA level and how to help strengthen your innate gifts and powers, you unlock the magic that will roll across the planet and change the landscape of our world.

It’s like a genetic mapping of your soul using next-level aura + chakra understanding. Your or 23andMe genetic fingerprint can tell you a lot of things, but the one big thing that’s missing is this. I’ll help you discover the path of your soul, not just your DNA.

CLICK HERE for more information.

Sacred Rebels Intensive

 A powerful extension to the Soul Map + introduction to Creation Power™, Sacred Rebel Intensives are intimate group experiences designed to take you deeper into what your map has to say, including further exploration and connecting-the-dots between your:

– Personal Creation Cycle
– Soul Compass
– Sacred Creation
– Energy Flow
– And Life + Biz Relationships

Offered as a live, luxurious retreat where we create space for both expansion and healing, we’ll help you answer the questions of “Who am I to do this great thing?” and “How do I move from where I am now to what I want most?” in order to create the life, business, meaning and impact your soul truly desires.

If you’re ready to dive deep—they are called intensives for a reason,

CLICK HERE to apply for an intensive today!


Gen Smith

Gymnastics Coach

“I clicked with Deb in an instant! She had a gentle but bold way of showing me new ideas and making me push myself to reach new understanding. You will rarely have an opportunity to work with someone as thoughtful, present, loving, and hard working as Deb. She is inspired, friendly and caring and I have met few people who are as open minded as she is. I have grown leaps and bounds through her coaching and would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to make a change in their life!”

Kareena Yashko

Writer, YA

“Debbie is an amazing woman. She gave the perfect combination of ideas and encouragement, but did not make herself the center of my healing and growth. Deb is an amazing mentor, especially in regards to writing. If you’re looking to move forward and do great things with your life, she is definitely someone that can help you go far.”

Eve Nicholson

Author, Tripartite Soul

“When I stepped onto the writing path, it was a huge leap into the dark. I didn’t know the beginning from the end of writing. I only knew I had stories to tell. Deb reached out to me and, with patience and determination, taught me everything from how to format a story to social networking. She held my hand (literally) as I was given my first critiques and showed me how to turn my weaknesses into strengths. She praised every accomplishment and urged me forward with each setback. She has been a coach, an advocate, an editor, an auditor, a brainstorming partner, an unfailing guide, and a wonderful friend.”


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