Apr 18, 2017 | Craft Your Book, The Writing Life
A subtle, almost imperceptible moment—where the course of the main character’s (MC) life changes forever (whether or not she knows it). In my novel, it’s the moment when Heath—yep… the unnamed victim in the opening chapter has a name—decides to take a shortcut...
Apr 11, 2017 | Embolden Your Inner Writer, Inspiration, The Writing Life
It was a box. A plain one. Designed to hold paper and yet it contained everything I’d worked on for the previous two years–Chakra launches, workshops, course developments, some successes and all my failures. Everything broken down into one, tiny box that...
Apr 1, 2017 | Craft Your Book
I recently read an article by a writer who claimed that the 3 Act Story Structure was essentially the “fast food” version of writing. His belief is that we’re giving America a bunch of junk food stories when what they really need is the sustenance found in...